MicroPython UPLOT Library


  • Author(s): Jose D. Montoya


MicroPython Graphics Library

  • Author: Jose D. Montoya

class micropython_uplot.plot.PLOT(display, x: int = 0, y: int = 0, width: int = 100, height: int = 100, padding: int = 25, show_box: bool = True, background_color: int = (0, 0, 0), box_color: tuple = (255, 255, 255), tickx_height: int = 8, ticky_height: int = 8)[source]

Canvas Class to add different elements to the screen. The origin point set by x and y properties


display object

x : int

origin x coordinate

y : int

origin y coordinate

width : int

plot box width in pixels

height : int

plot box height in pixels

padding : int

padding for the plot box in all directions

show_box : bool

select if the plot box is displayed

background_color : tuple

background color. Defaults to black (0, 0, 0)

box_color : tuple

allows to choose the box line color. Defaults to white ‘’(255, 255, 255)``

tickx_height : int

x axes tick height in pixels. Defaults to 8.

ticky_height : int

y axes tick height in pixels. Defaults to 8.

axs_params(axstype: 'box' | 'cartesian' | 'line' = 'box') None[source]

Setting up axs visibility

axstype : str

argument with the kind of axs you selected



show_text(text: str, x: int, y: int, text_color: int | None = None, free_text: bool = False, ax=None) None[source]

Show desired text in the screen :param str text: text to be displayed :param int x: x coordinate :param int y: y coordinate :param int color: text color. Defaults to None :param bool free_text: Select to show free text :return: None

tick_params(show_ticks=True, tickx_height: int = 8, ticky_height: int = 8, tickcolor: int = (255, 255, 255), tickgrid: bool = False, showtext: bool = False, decimal_points: int = 0) None[source]

Function to set ticks parameters

show_ticks : bool

Show ticks. Defaults to True

tickx_height : int

X axes tick height in pixels. Defaults to 8

ticky_height : int

Y axes tick height in pixels. Defaults to 8

tickcolor : int

tick color in hex. Defaults to white. 0xFFFFFF

tickgrid : bool

defines if the grid is to be shown. Defaults to False

showtext : bool

Show Axes text. Defaults to False

decimal_points : int

Number of decimal points to show. Defaults to 0



static transform(oldrangemin: float | int, oldrangemax: float | int, newrangemin: float | int, newrangemax: float | int, value: float | int) float | int[source]

This function converts the original value into a new defined value in the new range

oldrangemin : int|float

minimum of the original range

oldrangemax : int|float

maximum of the original range

newrangemin : int|float

minimum of the new range

newrangemax : int|float

maximum of the new range

value : int|float

value to be converted

Return int|float:

converted value


MicroPython cartesian graph

  • Author: Jose D. Montoya

class micropython_uplot.cartesian.Cartesian(plot: PLOT, x: list, y: list, rangex: list | None = None, rangey: list | None = None, line_color: tuple = (0, 255, 0), line_style: str | None = None, ticksx: list = None, ticksy: list = None, fill: bool = False, pointer_index: int | None = None)[source]

Class to draw cartesian plane

plot : Plot

Plot object for the scatter to be drawn

x : list

x points coordinates

y : list

y points coordinates

rangex : list|None

x range limits. Defaults to None

rangey : list|None

y range limits. Defaults to None

line_color : int|None

line color. Defaults to None

line_style : str|None

line style. Defaults to None

ticksx : list

X axis ticks values

ticksy : list

Y axis ticks values

fill : bool

Show the filling. Defaults to False

pointer_index : int|None

Pointer index. Defaults to None

class micropython_uplot.cartesian.LineStyle[source]

Line style class


scatter plot for micropython_uplot

  • Author: Jose D. Montoya

class micropython_uplot.scatter.Pointer[source]

Pointer container class

class micropython_uplot.scatter.Scatter(plot: PLOT, x: list, y: list, rangex: list | None = None, rangey: list | None = None, radius: list | int | None = 3, pointer_color: tuple = (0, 255, 0), pointer: str | None = None, pointer_index: int | None = None)[source]

Main class to display different graphics

plot: PLOT

Plot object for the scatter to be drawn

x: list

x points coordinates

y: list

y points coordinates

rangex : list|None

x range limits

rangey : list|None

y range limits

radius : int|list

circle radius

pointer_color : int

pointer color. Default is 0xFF905D

pointer : str|None

pointer shape.

pointer_index : int|None

pointer index. Default is None


MicroPython bar graph

  • Author: Jose D. Montoya

class micropython_uplot.bar.Bar(plot: PLOT, x: list, y: list, fill: bool = False, bar_space: int = 16, xstart: int = 50, color_palette: list | None = None, max_value: float | int | None = None)[source]

Main class to display different graphics

plot : Plot

Plot object for the scatter to be drawn

x : list

x data

y : list

y data

fill : bool

boxes fill attribute. Defaults to False

bar_space : int

space in pixels between the bars

xstart : int

start point in the x axis for the bar to start. Defaults to 50

color_palette : list

list of colors to be used for the bars. Defaults to None. Be aware that you need to include the same number if colors as your data. This functionality will only work with filled bars.

max_value : int

for filled unprojected bars will setup the maxium value for the bars. This allows the user to update the bars in real-time. There is an example in the examples folder showing this functionality


MicroPython logging utility

  • Author: Jose D. Montoya

class micropython_uplot.logging.Logging(plot: PLOT, x: list, y: list, rangex: list | None = None, rangey: list | None = None, line_color: tuple = (0, 255, 0), ticksx: list = (0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90), ticksy: list = (0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90), tick_pos: bool = False, fill: bool = False)[source]

Class to log data

plot : Plot

Plot object for the scatter to be drawn

x : list

x points coordinates

y : list

y points coordinates

rangex : list|None

x range limits. Defaults to Nonem

rangey : list|None

y range limits. Defaults to None

line_color : int|None

line color. Defaults to None

ticksx : list

X axis ticks values

ticksy : list

Y axis ticks values

tick_pos : bool

indicates ticks position. True for below the axes. Defaults to False

fill : bool

enable the filling of the plot. Defaults to False

static clear_plot(plot: PLOT) None[source]

Clears the plot area :param PLOT plot: plot object provided

draw_new_lines(plot: PLOT, x: list, y: list, fill: bool = False) None[source]

Draw the plot lines :param PLOT plot: plot object provided :param list x: list of x values :param list y: list of y values :param bool fill: parameter to fill the plot graphic. Defaults to False :return: None

draw_points(plot: PLOT, x: list, y: list, fill: bool = False) None[source]

Draws points in the plot :param Plot plot: plot object provided :param list x: list of x values :param list y: list of y values :param bool fill: parameter to fill the plot graphic. Defaults to False :return: None


MicroPython color map graph

  • Author: Jose D. Montoya

class micropython_uplot.map.Map(plot: PLOT, data_points: list, data_points_max: float, matrix_shape: list, initial_color: tuple, final_color: tuple)[source]

Main class to display different graphics

Due to IL9436 Display driver limitations number of map colors is limited to 10 :param PLOT plot: Plot object for the scatter to be drawn :param list data_points: data points to create the color map :param float data_points_max: data points max value :param list matrix_shape: data_points matrix shape :param tuple initial_color: initial color to create the color map :param tuple final_color: final color to create the color map

micropython_uplot.map.color_fade(start_color: int, end_color: int, fraction: float) tuple[source]

Linear extrapolation of a color between two RGB colors (tuple or 24-bit integer).

start_color : int

starting color

end_color : int

ending color

fraction : float

Floating point number ranging from 0 to 1 indicating what fraction of interpolation between start_color and end_color.


MicroPython fillbetween graph

  • Author: Jose D. Montoya

class micropython_uplot.fillbetween.Fillbetween(plot: PLOT, x: list, y1: list, y2: list, rangex: list | None = None, rangey: list | None = None, fill_color: int = (0, 255, 0), pointer_index: int | None = None)[source]

Class to draw a fillbetween graph

plot : Plot

Plot object for the scatter to be drawn

x : list

x points coordinates

y1 : list

y1 points coordinates

y2 : list

y2 points coordinates

rangex : list|None

x range limits

rangey : list|None

y range limits

fill_color : int

filling color. Defaults to (0, 255, 0)

pointer_index : int|None

Pointer index. Defaults to None